This is our blog. A journal for us to share our daily lives with the people that we love and who love us. Enjoy the silly, sappy and usually unpredictable tales that make us say.....It's a Schmoll world.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pictures that make me smile!

I took these photos for our yearbook. For any of you that don't know, I work in an elementary school. My primary job is TLC. I work in the "health room" aka nurse's office.

Since it is a K thru 4th grade building, the majority of my job is band-aids, wet pants and lots of TLC.
I complain when I get thrown up on, when a teacher sends students to me who have tied their shoes together (for the 4th time in one day), or when I have a sweet little one on my cot who is burning up with a fever,and their parents have no working number at which to be reached....
at those times...I complain.
truth be known, I do love my job. I love that the kids wave to me in the they haven't seen me in years. I love that when they feel bad or just need a little care... they feel like I am there...just for them. I love that when they scrape a knee or elbow..they believe that I can make it all better!!!

in short...I love my kids. All 400 of them. (Ok there are 3 I don't much care for....kidding...joke).
Among my other jobs at my school- Yearbook photographer and editor . I sometimes complain about having the responsibility of creating an entire yearbook ...single-handed...but secretly,

sometimes I love it!(not often- but today)

My mission today was to take photos for the cover of the yearbook. I needed photos that screamed.....ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I love the photos. I think they make me smile because they say... my my school....

I know they probably won't impress anyone else....but they make me smile!

( I know there are two photos of the glue shelf...I accidentally uploaded the photo twice...and I don't know how to fix it.... ha)

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