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Thursday, January 28, 2010


Well, although I said I would not make any "New Year's Resolutions"... I have started a exercise class. I did it because I am very disappointed in myself. Several months ago I was very committed and lost a good "chunk" of weight... well, the holidays came and so did the holiday foods. On top of that football season ended, and that meant I was no longer walking 5 miles every other night while Emily was at Cheerleading practice.... and the pounds are creeping back on...

It is sad and hard when you work so hard, and then you stop...and well...that is where I am now.

But that is changing. I am taking exercise classes...called Zumba. I don't know what Zumba translates to...but I know what it means....... PAIN. It is a very fast paced...non stop dance type aerobics class. It is based on Latin dance....and has lots of fast footwork and hip twisting wiggling.

I am in the clas with abou 25 other women.... that I believe are in the same place I am. They are all employees of the school district.
My guess is that most or all of them are mothers who have let themselves get out of shape....never doing anything for themselves.... too busy working, packing lunches, baking for the bake sale, taxi-ing children to this practice and that game.... and now they are finally going to TRY to do something to better themselves.

Nobody in the class feels confident while doing the class. We all look very clumsy and outright silly. We all know it too...because we just look at one another, giggle a little and shrug our shoulders.... realizing we are all looking foolish ....together..... (it is kind of bonding)
I KNOW that I look foolish. I believe I look as though I a suffering from some sort of fit or I flop around the gym...trying to catch up with the instructor...and catch my breath!

It is a 55 minute class with NO rests and no breaks. It is so fast paced....and yet the hour seems to drag...because I am in pain.

But I am so proud of myself....2 classes under my belt (large belt)...and I have completed both classes...I didn't quit.... I hung in there and finished the class.... and boy am I proud...and tired.

I know that I will hurt more tomorrow...but as they say "no pain, no gain". And although it would be nice to waltz into some doctor's office and have him prescribe a magic pill, or do some "procedure " on me to make me thin.....

I am earning this.... It will be hard, and I will succeed.... (even if sometimes it feel like I can't"

Now I am going to go put icy hot on my knees and a heating pad on my (fl) abs.

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