This is our blog. A journal for us to share our daily lives with the people that we love and who love us. Enjoy the silly, sappy and usually unpredictable tales that make us say.....It's a Schmoll world.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I'm Done

Do you recognize this photo? Yes. It is a doormat... IT is ME!
I am a Doormat!..... and I AM DONE!!!!!!

Yesterday I had an epiphany. Not my first, and probably not my last.
I am a Doormat!....BUT....I am DONE!

I am DONE tip-toeing around the "unbalanced" person/people at work, trying to be invisible as to not make myself the "target" of the day for their hatefullness.

I am DONE stocking my office with diet soda,candy and snacks, only for others to gorge themselves as if it is a buffet....never showing any appreciation, and acting miffed when the cupboard runs low or heaven forbid...bare.

I am DONE agreeing to "babysit" the kids that are annoying their teacher.... allowing the "busy, talkative" little angel to hang out in my the teacher can have a few minutes of "peace"....

I am DONE saying "Sure, I don't mind"...when in fact, I DO MIND ! I don't want to spend my entire weekend painting the backdrop or making costumes for your play...
especially when you don't offer to help...and are never happy with what I make.

I am Done allowing you to make me feel inferior. I am so sorry if it upsets you that I am "averagely overweight" and imperfect......not everyone can or would get their stomach banded, teeth straightened with invisible braces, and facial peels....
I am pretty happy with myself. Yes there are things I would like to, and should change. But I should change them for me...NOT YOU. SO stop giving diet advice (you did not diet to lose the did not work it off), advice on how to dress, and how to style/cut my hair. I really don't value your opinion. And I did not ask for it!
And while we are on the subject. I am not going to apologize for the fact that I am not a "career woman". I know you think I am a low-life and sub-par. But I am DONE caring what you think. I am proud of the decisions I have made. I believe many would have chosen to be a stay-at-home mom ...if they could stop being jealous.

I AM DONE! No longer will I be guilted into "IT". Whatever "it" may be. I am DONE!

For my true friends and family, none of this will effect you. You will NOT see any change in my attitude or behavior. Because you are not the ones who have treated me like a doormat. BUT to all the rest of you. Take note.



  1. I admire you Schmolly. People do take advantage you. Don't they see that you do things for them bcause you have a beautiful spirit. But they never really appreciate it...they expect it. I hope I never make you feel like that. My friend I love you!!

  2. Wow- powerful and inspirational. I have wanted to blog this exact feeling but could not come up with the words as gracefully as you did. Ohh and I was to worried that people would be mad at me for FEELING this way. I agree I am done and thanks for the motivation. You are an amazing beautiful person and please never regret the choices you made in your life as they have made you who you are and I love you!!!


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