This is our blog. A journal for us to share our daily lives with the people that we love and who love us. Enjoy the silly, sappy and usually unpredictable tales that make us say.....It's a Schmoll world.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Egg Hunt

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Easter is about many things.
Without question....the true meaning and importance of the day should NEVER be lost.
We as Christians ...know that HE IS RISEN to save us ALL.
That being said.... we also know that the day is also a day of gathering.
We gather as followers.... of Christ.
We gather as families... to celebrate.
We gather around the table and sample all the traditional foods of the season
Everyone loves Easter Egg hunts ! It is part of the fun.
This year we went to Granny's and had a GREAT BIG Easter Egg Hunt.
The cousins came for the fun (not all of the cousins...and the others were missed).
Rowdy and I helped out the bunny by hiding 250+ eggs.
That is a lot of eggs for 5 kids to find.
AND it was fun.
I don't think we found all the eggs....
so Granny may find some when she mows the grass.
But... it was FUN.

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