Today, I just wanted to blog about .... being blessed.
I am not exactly sure I can explain why I am feeling especially blessed lately...but I am.
Maybe I am feeling especially blessed because...
My family is so wonderful. My husband and children have been very helpful lately.
My hubby and kids have been pitching in more around the house. Emily and Jake have been bickering less...and helping each other with homework, studying and chores.
My family enjoys being together. We do things as a family...because we like each other. Our time together playing games, laughing, and making memories make each of us a better person.
Maybe I am feeling especially blessed because...
I have GREAT friends. Friends that are there to hear my frustrations...and my laughter. Friends that I look forward to seeing each day at work. Friends that get me. That understand my goofy quirks, my silly behavior and ...well Love me in spite of all those things.
Maybe I am feeling especially blessed because the holiday season is upon us. I know that I am fortunate enough to not have worries that I will be able to provide food, shelter and a pleasant gathering around the holiday table and tree.
Maybe I a feeling especially blessed because I know people who are dealing with divorce, loneliness, serious illness and death of loved ones. I feel empathy for their hardships, for their heartaches. I feel relief that I have a strong, happy marriage, my family is healthy and I know love and friendship.
Maybe I am feeling especially blessed because...
I am blessed!
Thank You GOD for all the blessing you have bestowed upon me. I am forever thankful for your love.