Why do I do that?
Or should the question be..."Why don't I do it?"
Things in the "Schmoll World" are busy.
There is always lots going on....but I have to admit
most of it just does not seem "Blog-worthy".
Emily is LOVING the high school experience.
She is always busy with projects.... which means that WE are always busy
helping with projects.
Her latest one was a scale model of the EIFFEL Tower....
made out of toothpicks.....yep, you read that right.
How crazy are we for taking that on...
CRAZY....but it came out AWESOME.

Isn't it awesome. (the sprite can was set there so you could see how big it is).
Jake is loving 7th grade. His report card proves it. He is an A student as well and is very dedicated. (Although sometimes I have to remind him of that...hahaha).
Jake's "down-time" is spent on x-box, and the computer. He is a you-tube fan and LOVES to watch music "stuff". He has a ridiculous knowledge of songs. His friends call him "i-tunes".
Jake's new obsession is in-line skating. He skates with friends every weekend.
He is also returning to his baseball team for the 5th year.
As far as Rowdy and I are concerned..... most of our time is spent at work...and driving kids to and from activities. Like most parents we live in the car playing
Well- I am out of time... it is time to get ready to pick Emily up from her Jazz competitions..... back to the car !
See what I mean--- not really "blog-worthy".... oh well.....
it can't all be exciting .
Chat soon!
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