This weekend was busy. Busy is sometimes good, and sometimes not so good.
Funny. I think this weekend was busy -good...because SPRING has finally arrived.
The week wound down starting with a fun night at a special friend's house. She hosted a "spa party" Denise had great food, friends and fun. Emily and I enjoyed a facial....
Friday evening was spent running around preparing for our day trip to Rolla .
Normally that last minute errand stuff would bum me out....but with the windows rolled down and the music turned up.... it was good....even enjoyable.
Saturday morning started very early with a departure time of 6:00am. Emily, Dalen and I were expected in Rolla by 8:30. After a quick stop at Krispy Cream for fresh hot donuts...we were on the road. No problems and we arrived early. (What did you expect).
Meanwhile back at home Rowdy and Jake started their day with plans that consisted of baseball practice,
Emily, Dalen (my nephew) and I arrived in Rolla and settled in for a long day of competition.
Dalen competed on 2 teams- they took silver and bronze. Emily's team took Bronze.
They all did so well. I am proud of them for all the hard work they put into this competition. I am especially proud of how emily played the saxaphone in the play. She did so awesome...I was wispering to everyone that the music coming from behind the backdrop was Emily.....
Sunday is not finished yet...but I can tell you I am enjoying the beautiful weather...and going to pray that this weather stays just like today.
More soon.....
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