Today is a day to rejoice. HE IS RISEN!
God gave his only begotten son to save us from our sins and offer us eternal life.
God gave his only begotten son to save us from our sins and offer us eternal life.
That is the MEANING of this very special day.
NEVER shall it be forgotten, or overshadowed by silly, secular traditions!
That being said...
My family LOVES to celebrate holidays together. We all honor our faiths and beliefs...
and then...we gather to share the silly, secular traditions.....
AND this is where we celebrate- THE COUSINS' EGG HUNT !
SO- The weather was less than was POURING.
Rowdy, Tammy and I had filled 480 eggs with candy, money and tokens/prize vouchers.
The rain came down...but we headed out and hid...480 eggs.
That is a LOT of eggs.
The kids bundled up in all of Granny's rain jackets...and braved the cold, wet, SLOPPY weather.
After MUCH hunting...each child came back inside with 96 eggs.
(I know that sounds like a ridiculous amount...and it is. We were hopeful that ALL the cousins would enjoy the annual egg hunt, but that did not happen,
Thus the 5 had to "pick up the slack".)
****all photos can be viewed larger - just click on the photo****
The rain came down...but we headed out and hid...480 eggs.
That is a LOT of eggs.
The kids bundled up in all of Granny's rain jackets...and braved the cold, wet, SLOPPY weather.
After MUCH hunting...each child came back inside with 96 eggs.
(I know that sounds like a ridiculous amount...and it is. We were hopeful that ALL the cousins would enjoy the annual egg hunt, but that did not happen,
Thus the 5 had to "pick up the slack".)
****all photos can be viewed larger - just click on the photo****

96 eggs each...and we got to come inside to check out the loot.

There is nothing better than family, fun and food.
I Thank Our Heavenly Father for the Blessings He has bestowed upon my family....
I celebrate those blessings today!
Looking forward to making more memories together.
Looking forward to the 3rd annual Cousins' hunt!