I tried-- I shopped, I listened to Christmas music, I read the story of the birth of Christ, I wrapped over 265 gifts for less fortunate children at our school. My family "adopted" a family who was struggling this Christmas (I really did have fun shopping for this famiy). I baked fudge and traditional holiday goodies....
but I just never got it. I never got that feeling that only comes at Christmas.
It bumms me out to admit it, but it is the truth.
And now it is over....and honestly....I am glad, and sad all at the same time.
I am glad it is over--- so glad that I took down the tree and ALL signs of Christmas. It is all packed away. I am sad that I feel this way. I am not sad in general. No holiday blues that I can tell....
I just never got it this year. Not sure why. Can't put my finger on it.... but I know that I don't have "it".
I did take photos of our multiple Christmas celebrations.... but even my photos show that I just did not have "it".
Christmas at Granny's

Christmas in Memphis

Christmas Morning

I hope all of you had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
I hope your new year comes with bountiful blessings.
I hope you all know how very much you are loved and that you are important to
the "schmoll world".
chat soon. :)