This is my dad. This is one of the most important people in my life. He always has been and always will be. My dad has always held such a presence in my life, and in the lives of our family.
My father is many things to many people.
He is a good friend to many. He is there with golf clubs in hand ready to play, dominoes on the table ready for a game, and a handshake or hug when times are not so good. He is a friend
He is a husband to my mom. A man that is somewhat predictable, somewhat stubborn, and always reliable.... He is "Roooooobbbbberrrrrrttttt." He loves her so much and wants the best for her.....he can be so lovable...and so frustrating all at the same time...He is a husband.
He is a father. He has raised us to be strong, independent and proud of who we are. He is a man who has always demanded respect. He taught us all the importance of respecting our elders and authority. It has been a lesson that has served me well. It is a lesson I have tried to teach my own children.
He raised us to know that we are loved. I have always known that my father will always love us, no matter what silly, brainless decisions we may make in our youth. He punished us when we deserved it, reprimanded us when necessary, and always told us that he loved us.
He is the man that I call for advice and help when I have a problem or a question. He is always willing to lend a hand, an opinion and a hug. He is my Father.
He is a Grandpa and Great-Grandpa. He is the snuggle on the couch that makes you feel so happy. He is the man who has carried a sticker on his eyeglass pouch for 10+ years...just because his granddaughter gave it to him. He is the voice on the other end of the phone that says "you look beautiful" and makes you smile and giggle. He is the grandpa that says....
"they're perfect" when the children are acting mischievous...and you are annoyed.
He is the one you want to share vacations with...he is the one you want to go to the movies with,
he is the one you want to spend time with....because you like him....you love him.
He is a Grandpa.
He is my daddy. He has always told me that I was his little angel. His princess. He has always been accused of treating me differently..because I am the only girl. It is true. I will admit it. Everyone knows that there is a special bond between a father and daughter. He has always been a little softer with me, a little more forgiving, a little more protective. He is my dad.
I love him. I hope that he knows how very much he is loved.
Happy Father's Day. I love you!