Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
"I am From"
When sorting thru the MOUNDS of papers, we came across "a masterpiece,work of art". It is in the form of an original poem written by Jacob Louis Schmoll (age 10 1/2). The assignment was to write a poem to answer the question.... "Where am I from?".
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Please, Allow me to explain !!!!!

A few days ago, I celebrated my anniversary and posted a lovely dedication to my wonderful husband. Part of my post was the photos of our wedding day. I was nostalgic and was touched as I looked at the photos from 16 years ago.... and I giggled as I posted the photo seen above.
Friday, May 14, 2010
This is Dedicated to the One I Love
I married the man that was my best friend, and the one person who made me happier than I ever dreamed of being.
That has not changed.
He is still my very best friend. He is the one person that makes me happier than I ever imagined a person could be. I love him today more than yesterday, and more than every day before that.

My husband has a special way of making everything fun. He makes me smile. He makes me laugh. He makes me happy to be alive.
Today we celebrate our 16th Wedding Anniversary.
Today I remember all the fun and silliness of our wedding day.
All the things we thought were so important. All the things we thought had to be perfect. I remember the anticipation and the nervous excitement.
I know that we will celebrate another 16 years, and 16 after that, and another 16 after that....because I still feel that excitement and happiness. I get happy when I think of my husband. I look forward to his hugs and kisses, I still wait for him to call me during the day, anxious to hear from him. I feel comforted when his arms are around me, and miss him when we are apart.
I am still madly in LOVE with my husband.
Thank you for SIXTEEN wonderful years.
And here is to the next 16+16+16+16+16 years
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
This is a photo of my mom, and some of her kids (Kevin and Scott are not in the photo). It is a big brood that she has managed for all these years. And she has done it with such style and grace. My mom is one incredible woman. She amazes me in so many ways.
When we were younger, she was everything to everyone. She was always the cook, housekeeper, chauffeur, coach, referee, baker, team captain, room mom and organizer of all things that must get done. She was the nurse when we were sick, the tutor when homework needed to get done, the cheerleader when we needed support and the therapist when we failed and needed to be built back up.
Now that we are older, and live much further away, her roles have changed a little bit. She is now the loving voice on the other end of the line . She is always there when you need to talk. Whether it is to get a recipe for a family favorite, to ask for advice on a project or plan you have concocted in your head, or the one you can't wait to talk to when your kids have earned an award or have scored the winning run.
She is the loving supporter of everyone. She is the one standing steadfast by dad's side...with the briefcase in hand...toting all the important papers-trying not to forget anything. She is the one who remembers EVERYONE's birthday and how old they are... she remembers EVERYONE'S phone number's (including area code). She amazes me. (I can't even remember how old I am...)
She is the MOST amazing woman I know. She is one of the most important people I will ever have in my life. She has taught me so many life lessons, and I am not sure she even knows that.
She is beautiful and kind and the most compassionate person . She is the best Grandmother to my children.
She is MY MOM. and I love her more than words can say.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
A quote to live by
He sent me this quote to live by:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because
those who mind....don't matter,
and those who matter, don't mind."
Dr. Suess
I love my husband, He knows just what to say to make me feel better.
Thanks Rowdy. You are right. I love you.