Thursday, January 28, 2010
It is sad and hard when you work so hard, and then you stop...and well...that is where I am now.
But that is changing. I am taking exercise classes...called Zumba. I don't know what Zumba translates to...but I know what it means....... PAIN. It is a very fast paced...non stop dance type aerobics class. It is based on Latin dance....and has lots of fast footwork and hip twisting wiggling.
I am in the clas with abou 25 other women.... that I believe are in the same place I am. They are all employees of the school district.
My guess is that most or all of them are mothers who have let themselves get out of shape....never doing anything for themselves.... too busy working, packing lunches, baking for the bake sale, taxi-ing children to this practice and that game.... and now they are finally going to TRY to do something to better themselves.
Nobody in the class feels confident while doing the class. We all look very clumsy and outright silly. We all know it too...because we just look at one another, giggle a little and shrug our shoulders.... realizing we are all looking foolish ....together..... (it is kind of bonding)
I KNOW that I look foolish. I believe I look as though I a suffering from some sort of fit or I flop around the gym...trying to catch up with the instructor...and catch my breath!
It is a 55 minute class with NO rests and no breaks. It is so fast paced....and yet the hour seems to drag...because I am in pain.
But I am so proud of myself....2 classes under my belt (large belt)...and I have completed both classes...I didn't quit.... I hung in there and finished the class.... and boy am I proud...and tired.
I know that I will hurt more tomorrow...but as they say "no pain, no gain". And although it would be nice to waltz into some doctor's office and have him prescribe a magic pill, or do some "procedure " on me to make me thin.....
I am earning this.... It will be hard, and I will succeed.... (even if sometimes it feel like I can't"
Now I am going to go put icy hot on my knees and a heating pad on my (fl) abs.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Happy Birthday to a Special Friend
I will tell you that Sara and I met at work...but became friends after Jake had her for a third grade teacher. (She is a great the way).
That was just the beginning.
Since that time Sara and I have become quite good friends. There are 4 of us at work that pal around...and try to stay out of trouble.
Today is Sara's birthday- and I want to share with you why WE love Sara.
First and foremost- Sara is a sweet, warm, kind loving mother, teacher and FRIEND.
*** ok- enough of the mushy stuff--- I'm going to be perfectly honest....
Why we love Sara-
1. Sara is a conservative. conservative values, non rule breaker...conservative (we are alike)
2. Sara makes us laugh. Not the polite giggle kind of laugh- the snort out loud kind of laugh.
The -makes you cross your legs- kind of laugh..... Nothing is better than that.
3. Sara is a worrier- that is usually not endearing---except that Sara likes to worry about the
most improbable things.... like the world coming to a screeching halt...and she in not caught
up on laundry. (the world ending is not the worry---- it is the laundry)
4. Sara bounds into the room with such conviction...and then will look at you and say...
"I got nothin' ". (she has been likened to Kramer)
5. Sara will always make you laugh when you need it the most....and will cry along with you when that is the "appropriate" response as well- She is empathetic..... GENUINE.
and finally=
Sara is the kind of friend that you know you will have for life. The kind of friend that you will Always be able to turn to.... that will stay in your life for the long haul...
you know the kind....
the friend who will take you out to lunch at The Bread Company....
and will be the friend who will fish your false teeth out of your soup for you after they fall in with a loud splash!!~!!
That is my friend SARA.
I hope your birthday is WONDERFUL. You are very special friend.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
1st Basketball game of the season - a WIN!

The grade level is a little spread out this year. Grades 5-8 play together. I wondered how that would play out. Jake is only in 5th grade, and hasn't hit a growth spurt yet...some of the boys are a head and shoulders taller than Jake..... but he held his own.
Jake and his cousin Dalen are on the same team....they are a force to be reckoned with. I think they enjoy the fact that the "Schmoll boys" are on the court TOGETHER.
The passes, the blocks...and ultimately the "Swoosh of the ball".
The final score: Home 25 Away 18 We won! V*I*C*T*O*R*Y.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Emily turns 13.
The living room was expertly decorated by Jake!
Emily gets an exciting gift.
I think she had a wonderful birthday. I hope her birthday was a special as she is to us.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Emily's Birthday outing- Ice Skating
It was GREAT. We had a great time !
We got everyone laced up and out to the rink...I snapped off the first photo- only for my camera to display in BIG red letters... NO CARD.
The kids did great! I had prefaced this whole outing with a lecture about "not expecting to be great at this the first time out" and how "getting frustrated will never get you anywhere".
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Pictures that make me smile!
Since it is a K thru 4th grade building, the majority of my job is band-aids, wet pants and lots of TLC.
( I know there are two photos of the glue shelf...I accidentally uploaded the photo twice...and I don't know how to fix it.... ha)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Perfect Night
Saturday, January 9, 2010
It's your Birthday, It's your Birthday, Happy Birthday...Birthday, Birthday!

Friday, January 8, 2010
Snow Day = Productivity
The phone rang, the caller ID confirmed that it was our school district's automated phone message system.... "School will be cancelled tomorrow due to inclement weather".....
The joy, the excitement... we are gonna have a snow day. Then the flip side of those emotions...
I don't like making these days up in May...and heaven forbid we have to make up more...and there we are in school in June!!!
Well, the happy side usually wins out. I was excited to hear...snow day! And what would I do?
My first thought was...well...if we get snow, I will have to take the kids sledding.... great opportunity for pictures!... but then I watched the weather report...
wind chill advisory.... SUB-ZERO temps....
\maybe sledding is not such a great idea.
they would probably just assume stay in and play with some of their new Christmas toys...
I slept in until 6:30. I caught up on ALL the laundry in the house....even on sheets.
Then I attacked the job that can only be done when you are "stuck " inside, with no escape!
I cleaned out cupboards, cabinets and closets, and silverware and junk drawers. After the holiday season, I always feel like my cupboards and such are a mess... my cupboard is often an "avalanche" hazard.
It took most of the day... well...until about 2:00. Then I did something that I seldom do...
I sat down , by myself in my clean, freshly dusted and vacuumed living room....and
read a book until Rowdy got home from work.
How wonderful. I love when I feel like I have been productive. I guess because it doesn't happen nearly often enough.
It was a good day- the kids were great. they entertained themselves and each other while I did chores. (I think they were trying to be unnoticed- hoping I wouldn't give them a list of things to do..)
Snow days. gotta love 'em
Flashback : Christmas with the Schmoll Grandparents

Monday, January 4, 2010
New Year
Well, it is that time again. Time of renewal. Time to start over, fresh and new...
time to start over on Day 1.
Every year we all decide that we are going to make HUGE changes in our lives. We are going to be New and Improved! We are going to transform ourselves into exactly what we visualize as perfect!
Does anyones else HATE the idea of "New Year's Resolutions".... I hate them ...because they NEVER come to fruition. How many people actually made a "New Year Resolution" last year to...
LOSE Weight,
Excercise regularly,
keep a cleaner house
keep up with laundry,
spend more time with family,
spend less money
save more money,
volunteer more,
pray more,
curse less,
work more,
work less....ETC>>>>>>
Now how many people successfully obtained ANY of their resolutions...
My guess...NONE
to make no resolutions,
to make no false promises to myself,
to make myself HAPPY... by not making RESOLUTIONS!
I will be Happy because I have a WONDERFUL family whom I love and who loves me...
in spite of the fact that I need to lose weight, clean my house, keep up with laundry,volunteer more/less, save more money, pray more, curse less, .......
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Christmas in Memphis
(Click on arrow to watch slideshow...)
We gathered in Memphis again this year. Once again Mark and Anne opened their home to our large unruly family. Mark put up this amazing tent, complete with heaters, lighting and even red carpet. The weather, although cold, cooperated with us. We had a nice fire and the kids were able to play football and horseshoes. We all had such a wonderful time. We all ate and drank and caught up on stories and on each other's lives.
I wish we all lived just miles from one another. I wish I could spend time with my brothers and sisters-in-law. I wish these gatherings could happen more than just once a year...
I hope my brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, parents, grandparents, and lifelong family friends know that I love them all and miss them when we are apart.
Until next time...
Thank you for being my family.