Highlight:My beautiful daughter celebrated her 13th birthday. A teenager....where has the time gone???
Highlight: Jake had a great year in baseball. He pitched a little, but he was a superstar at shortstop and 2nd base.
Highlight: Emily had a great vacation with Granny. They visited Bucks and Spurs Dude Ranch for a week. They rode every day, all day. A great time and great memories.
Highlight: We took a great mini-vacation to visit and play in Branson. We hung out with family and visited the local attractions...including Silver Dollar City and Ballknockers. What fun!
Highlight:We welcomed new friends into this world, and got to babysit and play with them.
Baby Camden Parker Weatherby
Baby Emily Marie Vinyard
Highlight; My kids had the opportunity to be part of something much bigger than us. We had the privilege of participating in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund walk. The walk was held in Forest Park. We were just a very small part of the day, but it felt so good to be a part of something SO important.
BIG HIGHLIGHT:I had the opportunity to do something I REALLY LOVE. I was trusted by these people (and a few more not shown here) to capture their family on "film". I got to PLAY photographer...and I LOVED IT!

Highlight: We spent time with friends and family. We celebrated our birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and we even found reasons to celebrate your average Monday.
We found time in our busy schedules to eat, drink and laugh together.
The only real sadness that stands out to me this year is the passing of my very special grandmother. She is loved and missed every day, but it is because of the things that she taught me ....that I know to COUNT my BLESSINGS and not dwell upon the sadness of my life. CELEBRATE the life you live, and live it to the fullest.
And with that, my friends and family....
I wish you the very happiest of New Years.
I pray that you will be blessed in many ways and that you will embrace all that the new year has to offer you.
With love,