Today I celebrate a birthday. I am not the type of person who makes a big to-do over my birthday. It has always been- just another day.
I make a big to-do when it is my children's or my husband's birthday...but I never really celebrate my birthday. I don't think it is because I hate birthdays, or because I can't face another birthday. For me- it is just something that happens. Nothing to get too excited about...or too upset about.
Maybe that is why I find it so curious that some people keep asking me if I am ok and if I am depressed about my birthday.
Should I be?
I mean... I know that the number keeps increasing, and that some people think I should be in mourning and hang black balloons... but... I have LOTS to be thankful for. I have lots to love and LOTS to "chaulk up to" in my 40 years.
Here is just 40 to name a few!
40 Things for which I am Thankful !
1. My husband and my children.... for them I am thankful.
2. My Friends- You know who you are. You make things fun.
even when they aren't !
3. God in my life.
4.My home. It is just our size and overflowing with love.
6.Stability in my life!
7.My family- I miss them so much .
8. My camera !
9. My job (some people don't have one...and I do actually enjoy it)
11. Electric blankets on cold mornings
12. The feeling of CONTENTMENT.
13. My scrapbooks
14. Our pets (although I have to remind myself to be thankful for them much of the time)
15. Delivery food ( what did we do before pizza/Chinese delivery)
16. Playing in the rain
17. Summers off of school/work
18.Family vacations
19. medical miracles (heart surgeons)
20. Hair dye
21. Computers (when I can make them do what I want)
22. Photographs of the ones I love
23. Laughter (especially the kind I share with my best friends at work- they know just how to make me snort)
24. Lazy days
25. Democracy (while we still have it)
26. My marriage- I can't imagine life without US.
27. Paint. A fresh coat of paint makes everything feel NEW
28. Our Health
29. Family dinners full of laughter
30. Books.
31. TV/Movies that make me laugh/cry.
32. Sunday afternoons
33. Pillows
34. Hugs and kisses
35. Nyquil & Tylenol PM
36. Music
37. Organization (although I lack it much of the time)
38. On-line bill pay
Today I celebrate and embrace MY BIRTHDAY!